Green Global Justice Godesses

Donate to the Green-A-Thon!

Your gift will help Got Green bring 500 new families into the climate justice movement - leading to environmental sustainability, equity and opportunity for communities of color and low income communities!

Goal $1,000.00
68.5% towards our goal
$685.00 raised
Heather Day
$ 25.00
CAGJ loves Got Green! Thank you for helping us raise $1000 for them again this year!
$ 15.00
$ 35.00
$ 100.00
David & Kathleen
$ 50.00
Dan Carson
$ 10.00
Allan And Jane Paulson
$ 250.00
$ 25.00
GotGreen rocks! Love the beautiful inter-movement solidarity <3
$ 50.00
Happy to contribute to this great grassroots org.
Shelly & Charlie
$ 25.00
thanks for doing this heather!
Kara Martin
$ 100.00
1. Heather Day, Captain
2. Ross Kirshenbaum
3. Chris Iberle
4. Christina Leal

Thank you for supporting our team to raise funds for Got Green through the Green-A-Thon event on June 4th!

Your gift will help expand Got Green's capacity to lift up the voices and leadership of people of color and low-income people calling for good green jobs; access to healthy and affordable food; green and healthy homes; and quality public transportation.

Join the green wave and give generously today!