The Grace Lee Boggs

Donate to the Green-A-Thon!

Your gift will help Got Green bring 500 new families into the climate justice movement - leading to environmental sustainability, equity and opportunity for communities of color and low income communities!

Goal $1,600.00
71.25% towards our goal
$1,140.00 raised
$ 100.00
Donating this with my powerful grandmother in mind. She was a member of La Raza Unida in Texas helping the Mexican and Mexican American community organize and exercise their right to vote during a time when it people of color faced several obstacles to vo
Shin Shin
$ 100.00
Sarah Nason
$ 35.00
I'm donating in memory of Matt Therrien - An amazing young man and a champion for our young people in Seattle and Hilo! Join me!
$ 100.00
$ 25.00
Jenn And Robbie
$ 35.00
Courtney C
$ 50.00
Sounds like a great cause - good luck!
Dulcy Lecour And Chuck Fujita
$ 100.00
So glad to donate to such a worthy cause!
Lisa MacLean
$ 50.00
Christopher Peguero
$ 100.00
Esther Handy
$ 250.00
Thrilled to support the fabulous organizers making incredible impact at Got Green.
$ 75.00
How could I not donate to a team called the Grace Lee Boggs
Cara Bilodeau
$ 25.00
1. Lylianna Allala, Captain
2. Shin Shin Hsia
3. Michael Wong
4. Alissa Haslam
5. Sarah Nason
6. Esther Handy
7. Julio Sanchez
8. Mariko Fujita

Thank you for supporting our team to raise funds for Got Green through the Green-A-Thon event on June 4th!

Your gift will help expand Got Green's capacity to lift up the voices and leadership of people of color and low-income people calling for good green jobs; access to healthy and affordable food; green and healthy homes; and quality public transportation.

Join the green wave and give generously today!