Sierra Club's Carbon Sinkers

Donate to the Green-A-Thon!

Got Green is made up of mothers, workers, and tenants from communities of color and low-income families in South Seattle. Got Green is a community-based environmental justice organization that fights for fair green jobs, healthy food, safe housing, powerful neighborhoods, and equitable climate policy. Your gift will help Got Green bring new families into the climate justice movement.

Goal $1,500.00
100% towards our goal
$1,600.00 raised
Robin Everett
$ 50.00
Got Green is such a vital part of our efforts to make a cleaner more just world!
Dan Ritzman
$ 50.00
Happy to support this important organization.
Ron Hawk
$ 100.00
Got Green is grass roots at its best
Victoria Leistman
$ 50.00
Got Green is an incredible, community based, solution focused organization and I can't wait to continue to see the results of their hard work!
$ 20.00
Got Green is an organization that is dedicated to something I firmly believe in: grassroots organizing to achieve social change. I want to specially thank Victoria Leistman for telling me about this amazing group! Rock on
Collin Rees
$ 20.00
This work is so important. Thank you for all you're doing!
Dylan Kitts
$ 35.00
Katya English
$ 25.00
Liz Cunningham
$ 25.00
$ 75.00
Rosemary Blakemore
$ 40.00
Thank you to Millie Magner for all she does to change the world for the better!
Lehman Holder
$ 20.00
Thanks for the time and energy of each person involved in this effort to make our world a better place.
The Ridihalghs
$ 50.00
Such important work - donations directly help local communities.
Deepa Sivarajan
$ 50.00
Love GotGreen and the Sierra Club, miss working with you all. Keep up the amazing work!
Millie Magner
$ 50.00
Got Green does tremendous work for the environment, Seattle, and people who I often left out of the equation. I am honored to participate.
Megan Jenny
$ 100.00
Thank you for all your amazing work, Got Green! I'm so happy to support the Got-Green-A-Thon this year. Wish I could be out there knocking on doors with you all this Saturday.
Margie Van Cleve
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
Connie And Rich Voget
$ 390.00
1. Robin Everett, Captain
2. Millie Magner
3. Ron Hawk
4. Rich and Connie Voget
5. Victoria Leistman
6. Jessica Koski
7. Doug Howell

Thank you for supporting our team to raise funds for Got Green through the Green-A-Thon event on Earth Day, April 22nd!

As the threats of climate change, economic inequality, and racism escalate in our new political era, Got Green will continue to build grassroots power and fight for our environment and our communities.