The Grace Lee Boggs

Donate to the Green-A-Thon!

Got Green is made up of mothers, workers, and tenants from communities of color and low-income families in South Seattle. Got Green is a community-based environmental justice organization that fights for fair green jobs, healthy food, safe housing, powerful neighborhoods, and equitable climate policy. Your gift will help Got Green bring new families into the climate justice movement.

Goal $3,000.00
99.17% towards our goal
$2,975.00 raised
Burke And Krista
$ 250.00
Go Team Go!
Kristyn, Mike And Ronan
$ 100.00
Want to Trump-proof Seattle? Support Got Green.
$ 100.00
Standing tall for justice with Got Green!
Mel Fox
$ 25.00
Nancy Whitlock
$ 35.00
Mary Ann Schroeder
$ 25.00
So happy to give to this great organization and this kickass sister.
Michael Baker
$ 250.00
Good work Kristyn!
Mary Jo And Michael Stansbury
$ 250.00
Jill Dowling
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
Mike Beebe & Carol Heinz
$ 150.00
Thank you for your leadership!
Ubax, Yasir, Ilyas And Zakia
$ 100.00
Go Team! Got Green rocks!
Cynthia And George Green
$ 50.00
Elissa Arnheim
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
To a more just, more loving, and greener tomorrow...
Sheri Cohen
$ 25.00
Thanks for informing me about this amazing organization!
Judy De Barros
$ 25.00
Go Kristyn and team! Great video!
Lisa Karl
$ 250.00
Coming late to the party but here and excited! Go Got Green!
$ 50.00
My wife loves Got Green and I love my wife therefore I support her and Got Green
1. Lylianna Allala, Captain
2. Kristyn Joy
3. Julio Sanchez
4. Burke Stansbury
5. Ubax Gardheere
6. Lisa Karl
7. Fleur Larsen
8. Krista Hanson

Thank you for supporting our team to raise funds for Got Green through the Green-A-Thon event on Earth Day, April 22nd!

As the threats of climate change, economic inequality, and racism escalate in our new political era, Got Green will continue to build grassroots power and fight for our environment and our communities.