Dreamboat Green Alliance

Donate to the Green-A-Thon!

Got Green is made up of mothers, workers, and tenants from communities of color and low-income families in South Seattle. Got Green is a community-based environmental justice organization that fights for fair green jobs, healthy food, safe housing, powerful neighborhoods, and equitable climate policy. Your gift will help Got Green bring new families into the climate justice movement.

Goal $1,111.00
100% towards our goal
$1,425.00 raised
$ 25.00
Go, Dreamboats!
Bellevue College
$ 250.00
Claudia, Cabug & Biggie
$ 150.00
Amazing transformative and awesome leadership Jill and Got Green Crew!
Vivien And Rick
$ 50.00
Sunny & Lynne
$ 100.00
got green rocks!
Aeone Singson
$ 50.00
Thank you for everything you do!
Maybeline And Jane
$ 125.00
go dreamboats!
Autnie Grace & Auntie Beth
$ 50.00
1. Jill Mangaliman, Captain
2. Katrina PestaƱo
3. Cheuk-Ning Li
4. Jayanika Lawrence
5. Claudia Alexandra Paras
6. Tiffany Chan
7. JM Wong

Thank you for supporting our team to raise funds for Got Green through the Green-A-Thon event on Earth Day, April 22nd!

As the threats of climate change, economic inequality, and racism escalate in our new political era, Got Green will continue to build grassroots power and fight for our environment and our communities.